CV.Daiho Mesin - Jual Mesin Pemecah Batu dan Genset

Paddy Separator DAIHO brand DDS-600

Rp. 135,000,000
Last Updated
04 Apr 2024
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1 Unit

DAIHO DDS-600 Grain and Rice Separator


DAIHO DDS-600 is a Japanese technology rice and grain separator machine that is designed with a simple and functional machine body. This paddy separator machine or paddy and rice separator has a machine weight of 1200 kg. The capacity of rice and unhulled rice that can be processed by the DAIHO DDS-600 machine reaches 4.5 to 5 tons per hour. Users can use dynamo propulsion or a 2.2 KW diesel engine to operate the DAIHO DDS-600 rice and grain separator.


The agricultural sector plays a very strategic role in Indonesia. Apart from functioning as a significant source of foreign exchange earnings, the agricultural sector is also a contributor to economic resources for a large proportion of Indonesia's population and is the sector that absorbs the most labor. Therefore, agricultural technology innovation is now expected to grow along with the increasing number of needs for agricultural products. Examples of agricultural technology innovations that we can now encounter on a daily basis are grain processing machines or machines separating grain and rice.

DAIHO DDS-600 is a paddy separator or machine separating grain and rice with the second largest capacity after DAIHO DDS-700. DAIHO DDS-600 is designed from quality materials and materials with the latest technology that is more effective in producing clean rice without a mixture of grain. DAIHO DDS-600 is capable of grinding rice and separating unhulled rice with a capacity of 4.5 - 5 tons per hour. The driving force that can be used to operate the DAIHO DDS-600 paddy separator is a dynamo or a 2.2 KW diesel engine. This grain separator machine can be the most appropriate choice to complement tagribusiness and rice industries.

DAIHO Machines sell grain and rice separator machines, rice polisher or bleach machines, rice glazers, grain peeling machines, de-stoners, cultivator mini tractors, planting machines, and many other agricultural machine options. Prices for grain and rice separator machines also vary depending on the required output specifications. You can contact our support team at the number listed on the website in advance to find out which agricultural machinery is suitable for your business needs and also get the best agricultural machine discounts.


Output: 4.5-5 ton / hour

Power (KW): 2.2

Weight: 1200 kg

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