CV.Daiho Mesin - Jual Mesin Pemecah Batu dan Genset

Primary Crusher (Jaw Crusher) DAIHO PE 150 x 250

Rp. 40,000,000
Last Updated
04 Apr 2024
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1 Unit
Jaw Crusher

Jaw Crusher DAIHO PE 150 x 250 W / O Motor


DAIHO PE Jaw Crusher 150 x 250 is a primary jaw crusher which is suitable for breaking stones with a maximum size of 130 mm. DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher will break large natural stones and hard textures, such as andesite and coral into stones measuring 10 - 40 mm. DAIHO PE 150 x 250 is suitable for those of you who need a quality stone crusher at a relatively affordable price and simpler machine maintenance.


DAIHO PE Jaw Crusher 150 x 250 is a primary jaw crusher used for the first stage of the stone crushing process. The jaw crusher DAIHO PE 150 x 250 has a jaw-like shape. DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher will process large mining stones into medium sized stones, which will be reprocessed by other types of stone crusher (secondary & tertiary crusher) such as cone crusher, vertical shaft impacter, and double roll crusher.

DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher machine is effective for breaking sedimentary rock with hard texture. DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher is often used when breaking stones with a size of 130 mm. The stones that are put in the machine will be broken down into a DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher to form stones measuring 10 - 40 mm. DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher has the ability to break stones up to 1 to 5 tons per hour with a power of 5.5 KW. Jaw crusher DAIHO PE 150 x 250 is suitable for those of you who are starting a mining business or working on a project.

To get a DAIHO PE 150 x 250 jaw crusher, you can visit a stone crusher shop and sell a jaw crusher such as DAIHO Mesin. We provide and sell stone crusher with stone crusher prices that vary according to the specifications you need. Apart from selling stone crusher and selling jaw crusher, DAIHO Machinery also provides other machines to meet business needs in Indonesia. Immediately visit the store or contact us here to get product information and other stone crusher prices.


Jaw crusher mouth size: 150 mm x 250 mm

Maximum entry stone size: 130 mm

Exit stone size: 10 - 40 mm

Capacity: 1 - 5 tons per hour

Power required: 5.5 KW

Weight: 0.8 ton

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